Strategy REsources
Published on
May 2024

The Essentials of Effective Strategy Execution for Entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs, the shift from setting a strategy to executing it marks a crucial phase in business development. It's one thing to design a visionary strategy, but the real challenge—and indeed, the opportunity—lies in bringing it to life. This article aims to demystify the process of strategy execution, offering insights into the key concepts and benefits that can help you turn your strategic plans into tangible results.

The Challenge of Strategy Execution

Let’s face it, implementing strategy can be hard and daunting. It’s shown by the many entrepreneurs who struggle to implement their strategic plans. The reasons vary from lacking the required resources and skills to deliver on key objectives to prioritising the day-to-day operations over strategic growth priorities to inadequate planning, poor communication and resistance to change from managers.

Without a systematic approach to execution, you leave the decision-making to the feelings of the moment instead of the direction you’ve committed to, leaving potential growth untapped and strategic goals unmet.

Realising Strategic Goals

The process of turning long-term goals into actionable plans involves breaking down long-term ambitions into smaller, manageable milestones that produce results in the short term. Without this step, you’re entrusting your front-line managers and employees to make decisions on your behalf based on their knowledge and experience, not based on your well-thought-through strategy. To overcome this, you need to align your people to the strategy and way of thinking, whilst managing the day-to-day business.

Step 1: Set Annual Objectives:

Identify what needs to be accomplished within the year to progress towards broader strategic goals. These should be specific, measurable, and directly linked to the overarching strategy.

This is a great start however it's the follow-on phase of thinking that empowers your key managers to take the strategy and run with it whilst having the guard rails in place to stay on track.

Once these objectives are set, you then need to unpack how you’re going to go about achieving them. This would consider your growth strategy, SWOT and intuition to identify the issues that impact your ability to achieve this annual objective. Armed with this logic, you can identify and decide how you’ll address these issues.

Step 2: Develop Quarterly Priorities:

Determine the immediate steps necessary to achieve annual objectives. Utilizing an OKR framework can help prioritise efforts and set clear metrics for success.

Within each priority, it’s important to identify the projects that will lead to the OKR’s being achieved within the timeframe. It’s this flow of logic that makes these projects easy to execute.

Once the projects have been identified, the natural next step is to go into a formalised project setup where the right resources are allocated, the scope of work is defined and the key roles are assigned. Setting a regular monitoring schedule.

This methodical breakdown not only simplifies the implementation of complex strategies but also embeds a cycle of continuous evaluation and adjustment, which is crucial for sustained success.

Benefits of Structured Strategy Execution

Using a structured approach to strategy execution can boost an entrepreneur's chances of hitting their business goals. Here’s how this process can accelerate your business growth:

Clarity and Focus:

By defining clear, actionable objectives, you ensure a laser focus on your strategic priorities. This helps in aligning daily operations with long-term ambitions and provides a coherent direction for everyone in your business. A well-articulated roadmap not only guides your current efforts but also serves as a beacon for mobilising the necessary resources. It fosters a deep understanding among your team about the milestones they are working towards, enhancing overall engagement.

Measurability and Accountability:

Using frameworks like OKRs introduces measurable targets that enhance accountability among your leadership team. It also simplifies the tracking of progress and facilitating necessary adjustments. This framework guides project leaders towards desired outcomes and provides business leaders with objective metrics to assess development.


Effective strategy execution is adaptable –it allows you to respond to new information and changing market conditions without losing sight of strategic objectives. See, the nature of entrepreneurship is often about facing new exciting opportunities, and choosing which one to pursue will always have strategic consequences for the business. So, having a structured approach to execution enables you to make better trade-off decisions and not be pulled off-track by each new idea that comes up.

What happens when you don’t use a structured approach to strategy execution?

Goals and Daily Actions Don’t Match Up: Without clear steps, everyone in the team might be rowing in different directions, which means a lot of effort goes into actions that don’t get you closer to your big-picture goals. It's like having a map but not following the path marked on it.

Wasting Resources: Imagine throwing money, time, and people at things that don’t bring you closer to where you need to be. Without a structured plan, that’s a real risk, and it can bleed your business dry of the resources that could have been used more effectively.

Team Confusion and Disengagement: If your team doesn’t know how their work fits into the larger company goals, they’re less likely to feel motivated. Everyone wants to know that their work matters, and without a clear plan, that connection just isn’t there.

No Way to Tell What’s Working: Without checkpoints and metrics, how do you know if you’re succeeding? A structured approach helps you see what's working and what isn't, allowing you to celebrate successes or pivot when something’s not going right.

Falling Behind the Competition: Let's face it, the business world doesn’t stand still. If you’re not executing your strategy efficiently, rest assured, your competitors are. This could mean missing out on crucial market opportunities.

Stuck in Old Ways: In business, change is the only constant. If you're not structured in your approach, driving that change becomes a day-to-day challenge. Being adaptable is key, and without a plan, it's tough to steer the ship in a new direction when necessary.


Getting your strategy off the ground and into action isn’t just about having big ideas—it's about making those ideas work in the real world. It’s crucial to grasp not just the what, but the how of executing strategy. By getting a handle on the essentials of strategic execution, you can ensure your grand plans don’t just stay on paper; they actually start to materialize and drive your business forward.

Knowing what it takes to execute a strategy effectively is a game-changer. It empowers you to put plans into action confidently, ensuring that every step you take is in sync with your broader business goals. This isn't just about growth—it's about smart growth that's well-directed and sustainable, pushing your business to new heights and helping you nail those ambitious targets you've set.

Brett Matheson
Co-founder & Director of Product and Operations

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