Strategy REsources
Published on
Oct 2024

Burnout and Fatigue: Why Scaling Too Quickly Takes a Toll on Leaders

Scaling a business is what we all strive for, right? It’s the ultimate sign of success. But let’s be real—rapid growth can come at a heavy personal cost. We’ve all been there: juggling constant decision-making, managing bigger teams, trying to stay on top of everything. It’s exhausting. And for many of us, it leads to burnout, decision fatigue, and, worst of all, losing sight of the vision that got us excited about the business in the first place.

When we don’t manage growth properly, the emotional and mental toll can be overwhelming. The passion and energy that used to fuel us start to fade, making it harder to keep driving the business forward. If this resonates with you, don’t worry—you’re not alone, and there are ways to avoid it. Let’s talk about why burnout happens during rapid growth and what we can do to protect ourselves and our businesses.

Why Rapid Growth Leads to Burnout

At the heart of every growing business is us—the business owners. We’ve poured our hearts, souls, and countless hours into building something great. But as the business scales, the demands pile up. Without balance, it’s only a matter of time before burnout hits.

1. The Decision-Making Never Ends

As the business grows, so do the decisions. Hiring more people, managing larger budgets, entering new markets—the list goes on. And let’s face it: constantly having to make decisions is mentally draining. It’s called decision fatigue, and it’s real. Over time, we start making poor choices, losing focus, and feeling completely exhausted. We used to handle every little decision ourselves, but now the stakes are higher, and the pressure’s mounting. It’s a slippery slope to burnout.

2. Losing Sight of the Vision

When we’re stuck in the weeds, it’s easy to lose sight of what inspired us to start the business. The passion that once lit us up gets buried under the daily grind. The creativity, the strategic thinking—it all takes a backseat to putting out fires. We’re left feeling disconnected from the mission, and that disconnect can be soul-crushing. We might even find ourselves thinking, “How did I get here?”

3. The Emotional Toll of Leadership

Let’s not sugarcoat it—leading a growing business can feel incredibly isolating. The weight of knowing that our decisions impact not just our business, but our employees, customers, and the company’s future can be overwhelming. When we internalise that stress, it takes a serious emotional toll, leading to burnout. It’s hard to carry that burden day in and day out, especially when we’re already stretched thin.

How to Avoid Burnout When Scaling

Here’s the thing: burnout doesn’t have to be inevitable. There are practical ways to manage growth without losing ourselves in the process. We need to protect our well-being if we want to lead effectively, and that starts with a few key strategies.

1. Delegate More, Micromanage Less

We all know it’s hard to let go, but if we try to control every detail, burnout is guaranteed. Delegation is key. We’ve got to empower our teams to take ownership so we can focus on the bigger picture. Hire the right leaders—whether it’s a COO or a CFO—who can share the load and free up our mental space.

Action Step: Look at where you’re still too involved and start delegating. Trust your team with the tasks that no longer need your hand in everything.

2. Set Boundaries and Protect Your Time

One of the biggest drivers of burnout is being “always on.” It feels like we’re never off the clock. But we need to set boundaries—whether that means shutting off at a certain time or carving out personal time for ourselves. It’s not selfish; it’s survival.

Action Step: Schedule non-negotiable personal time every day. Let your team know you need that downtime, and protect it fiercely.

3. Prioritise Self-Care and Mental Health

Taking care of ourselves isn’t a luxury—it’s essential. Regular breaks, exercise, and even mindfulness practices can help reduce stress and sharpen our decision-making. If we neglect self-care, we’re setting ourselves up for burnout.

Action Step: Find what self-care works for you and make it part of your routine. It could be a walk, a quick meditation, or even a weekly therapy session. And lead by example—encourage your team to do the same.

4. Stay Focused on the Big Picture

It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of growth, but we need to keep our eyes on the bigger picture. Regularly step back, reassess, and make sure your growth is aligned with your long-term goals. This clarity helps prevent burnout and keeps us excited about the future.

Action Step: Schedule quarterly reviews of your vision and goals. Use these moments to recalibrate and make sure your growth is meaningful and sustainable.

The Long-Term Success Formula: Self-Care + Delegation

Here’s the bottom line: leadership is a marathon, not a sprint. We can’t sacrifice our well-being for the sake of the business—if we burn out, the business suffers too. Delegating, taking care of ourselves, and staying focused on the big picture aren’t just good ideas—they’re critical for long-term success.

1. Sustainable Leadership

We need stamina to lead through rapid growth. Without self-care, we’ll burn out and leave the business without the leadership it needs. Sustainable leadership is about pacing ourselves and ensuring we have the mental clarity to guide the business.

2. Building a Strong Leadership Team

When we delegate, we’re not just lightening our load—we’re building a resilient leadership team. Empowering others means the business can thrive without us constantly looking over everyone’s shoulders.

3. Preventing Burnout Across the Company

If we’re burned out, guess what? Our team probably feels it too. By modelling self-care and work-life balance, we’re setting the tone for the entire company. It’s up to us to create a culture where burnout isn’t the norm.

Lead with Resilience, Avoid Burnout, and Scale Sustainably

Scaling a business is tough, but it doesn’t have to come at the expense of our well-being. By delegating, practising self-care, and keeping our vision front and centre, we can avoid burnout and lead our businesses through growth with purpose and energy.

Remember, a healthy leader means a healthy business. Take care of yourself so you can guide your business toward sustainable success.

Ready to dive deeper? Join us in our upcoming masterclass, where we’ll unpack strategies to prevent burnout and keep your energy high as you scale.

Cameron Coutts
Co-Founder & Director of Growth and People

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